Alarm Companies:
Please Rate your Alarm Company in the comments section of this post!

Through the years of my profession {close to thirty years}, I have had the opportunity to work with almost all of the alarm companies within the state of Michigan.
I have to say some are good, some are adequate, some just suck and some are off the scale of greatness.
I personally have responded and dealt with these companies either on a one on one basis, or through my associates. I have responded to thousands of alarm calls and tens of thousands through my associates and there is nothing worse than responding to a burglar alarm call with inadequate information such as uninformed operators, under trained operators, lack of imperative information such as location of building and zone of the alarm. (It’s true)
When responding to burglar alarm calls there are several things that go through your mind:
(1) is this an actual (B&E) breaking and entering,
(2) Will I see my family again,
(3) What is the state of my customer’s property?
I’m going to be grading alarm companies on a scale of (A,B,C,D,E,F)
Please, if you have an alarm system or have had, leave a comment and let me know your own experience with alarm companies!
This information will help people make informed decisions when choosing who to hire as their Alarm Company!
Thank You!
Grade (A)
Remember we not only install Security Systems, we also do CCTV, Video Surveillance, Access Controls, Fire Systems, 24 hour monitoring at our own local Alarm Response Center and more.Also when moving remember we can help you out at your new location, if there is no Security we can install some. If there is security at location already we can take over monitoring and service for you. We do not want to lose you as a client.
20874 Colman Street
Clinton Township, Michigan 48035-4031
Telephone:Â Â Â Â Â Â (586) 792-2222
Fax:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (586) 792-9575
More to Follow:
I’m going to leave this post open so people can rate their alarm companies.
(248) 583-0125