Domestic Services 
Domestic services: No one wants to think their closest relationship will end. Though according to the statistics today, more than 40% of marriages end in divorce. With non-marital relationships, the percentage is even higher!
- Investigate Your Mate How much do you know about the person you are dating? Are you in the middle of a nasty divorce? Are you battling your spouse for child custody?
- Surveillance
- Background Checks Let the Bureau of Confidential Investigation check into their background for you. With our resources we can help you have the confidence you should have about the following questions. How much do you know about the person you are dating? Are you planning a wedding? Let our company run a check on your significant other before it’s too late! Know where they have lived before, if they have been married previously, or get an extensive background check! Are you sure they are telling you the whole truth. Do you have doubts? Better to be safe than sorry.
- Asset Checks The Bureau of Confidential Investigation has the best source available to check where assets lie. If there are assets we can find them! Does your spouse have money hidden that you are not aware of? Do they have a separate bank account? Have they been planning to leave the marriage for awhile and saved assets you know nothing about?
Corporate Services
Corporate Services: we offer important services for your corporation that will help you run your business smoothly. We take a lot of the worry out of business management with our superb investigative services.
- Employee Background Checks It is very important to know as much as possible about the people you are hiring today. With our background checks we can answer those questions for you. Are they being honest? Have they ever been convicted of a crime? Have they ever filed for Workers Compensation benefits? Are they the person they say they are?
- Workers Compensation Does your company have people claiming worker’s compensation against you? Are you sure they are injured? Many people claim injuries that did not actually happen while on the job. Often worker’s compensation insurance companies pay benefits rather then investigating the claim. This is considered “nuisance paymentâ€. It is easier for them to pay then to investigate the claim. Of course this raises the cost of your insurance.
- Cargo Investigations Down Time Do you have employees on the road? Do you know where they are and if they are doing what you are paying them to do? Are your drivers sitting in a coffee shop when they are supposed to doing your deliveries? Are your sales people seeking clients for you or are they conducting their own business?
- Fraud Investigations
Lawyer Services
Lawyer Services: The Bureau of Confidential Investigations has been serving the legal profession for over 30 years. We have been instrumental in solving many cases in the legal and insurance fields.
- Locate Service Skip Trace The Bureau of Confidential Investigations can locate individuals when others can’t. We use a combination of computer searches, investigative foot work, & surveillance.
- Domestic Services The Bureau of Confidential Investigations can help your clients determine such things as their spouse’s whereabouts, income, and life style. With our video surveillance as well as personal surveillance we can help your firm obtain the best settlement for your clients.
- Accident Reconstruction Our investigators can reconstruct the accident that your client was in by investigating the scene. We use a combination of techniques in our investigations.
- Court Fillings Let our investigators do your leg work. We have been filing court papers for legal firms for over 20 years. Our company understands what the court requires and we will get it done correctly for your firm.
- Process Service Our company’s turn around time is usually within 24 hours. We specialize in services that are difficult to serve.
(248) 583-0125